This was my first time watching this movie and I have to admit, I wasn't that fond of it. It just didn't appeal to me in any way. I did find a few appeals to pathos and other visual rhetoric examples in the movie, though.
When the "opposed to cigarette" guys were talking on the TV show at the beginning of the movie, the character representing their company definitely went the appeal to pathos route by using a teenaged victim of cigarette usage. He was a younger guy who already had cancer, and was obviously being treated for the cancer by the lack of hair on his body. The representative for the company finished his argument by saying, "He no longer thinks cigarettes are cool." By saying this, people who are watching the guy on TV and then hear this can visually relate what cigarettes are capable of and will hopefully end up disliking them.
"If your parents told you chocolate was dangerous, would you not try it? Then maybe you should try cigarettes for yourself too." - Nick Nader. This question made me chuckle a little to myself because in some ways he's right; kids do the opposite of what their parents try to make them do. If my mom told me that I wasn't allowed to have chocolate, I'd probably still eat it. The fact is, though, the kids just need to be smart enough not to try cigarettes without being told. Education. That's all that is needed.
The whole thing about arguments made me think for a while also. "If you argue correctly then you're never wrong." "It wasn't a negotiation; it was an argument." I have always thought that arguments were just heated negotiations, but I've never really thought about it before. If you're going to argue a topic, I guess you'd need to know what you're talking about, making the first quote true; you wouldn't be wrong, at least in your own opinion. That leads into the second quote proving that he wasn't negotiating with his mom about going to California; Joey was arguing, pretty much just telling her that he was going with Nick on the business trip.
All-in-all it was a good, informative example of visual rhetoric but not a film that I would choose to watch at home.