Sunday, January 11, 2009


All throughout my schooling teachers would express finding rhetorical questions in the texts that were assigned in their classes.  I never knew that rhetoric was actually outside of basic literature and questions used in novels. I read chapter one in Envision in Depth and I really did learn something!! I learned that yes, rhetoric was in MANY more places than just literature and novels.  On my way back to Clemson from Myrtle Beach today, I passed hundreds of billboards and came across a crazy number of advertisements for other things such as restaurants that advertise their food as being "the best southern food anyone has every tasted" and other statements like that.

It's not just advertisements, though.  In my preacher's sermon today, he was making statements about how we, as Christians, could be controversial with other people of the world, but still portray a Christ-like attitude.  He'd make suggestions and ask questions that we knew we weren't supposed to answer, but think about.  That's rhetoric!!

I found out that rhetoric is not just in novels and other writings, it's all around me. I even use rhetoric!! I found myself remembering how I had advised someone to go with a Nikon camera instead of a Cannon based merely off of my opinions and thoughts.  I'm being rhetorical!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Great observations! It's good to hear that you actually learned something from reading a textbook! Hopefully that will continue to happen this semester. The blog looks great!
